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Bernard of Montreal his life his work

To become aware of all the influences that act on human beings to get rid of them and live a free and creative life is the aim of Bernard of Montreal’s teaching. This state of consciousness is called the supramental.


The content of this page was written in English with the help of an artificial intelligence (AI) translation service. If you read this page in another language, the translation will be done by another artificial intelligence (AI) service, so the result is to be interpreted with discernment.


Bernard of Montreal was born in Quebec on July 26, 1939 and died on October 15, 2003, at the age of 64. He had a life out of the ordinary. He had an extraordinary experience in 1969 that he described as a “fusion” with systemic intelligence, therefore a telepathic mental connection with a being of light located far away in the galaxy. The kind of revelation that might leave many skeptics, but the illustration of his great intelligence in explaining the current and future psychological condition of man attracted thousands of people during the 26 years of his public career. The topics of his conferences have been varied but also seem to have been stages. Having started mainly around the extraterrestrial phenomenon, he then continued on esotericism and the decoding of prophecies, while warning about confabulation and curiosity related to these subjects. At the same time, he gave seminars to small groups, not because of an elitist approach, but rather to filter out individuals who might be psychologically unstable and thereby damage his reputation. Having changed interviewers if necessary, the conferences focused on very practical subjects such as couple psychology and the organization of material life, but he did not put aside occult topics related to the internal development of Man in relation to the invisible worlds. The culmination of his studies resulted in “evolutionary psychology”, which we believe is the crowning achievement of his reading with his systemic telepathic intelligence. The Diffusion BdM International and Bernard de Montréal  sites are dedicated to making the work of this exceptional man known to men, so that they too can discover, at one level or another, a psychic awareness that leads to greater peace, freedom, love and achievement.

His work in English

Bernard de Montréal’s work began to be translated into English.

On YouTube video

@bernard-de-montreal: YouTube channel hosting videos in English.

Some conferences translated into English are visible on YouTube, subtitled in English. YouTube allows you to automatically translate these subtitles into another language


English books and transcripts of conferences (manually translated) are available little by little on this site.

If you want to help translate into English or read the English texts aloud, please send us an email at the address that appears at the bottom of the page, in the Contact section.

His work in French

To complete the English section, you can consult the French part (fr) of the site, language of 99% of his work.

@PierreRiopelClone: YouTube channel hosting French subtitled videos, which allows you to use YouTube’s automatic translation to display English subtitles.

Books and conference transcripts in French are available on this site, along with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) translation tool for other languages.

In both cases, translations would be an approximation of the original content but will give you a good idea of the content. By listening to the lyrics of the videos, you could benefit from the vibration of the words that carry the energy of the electric fire (see the conference CP #85 entitled The Words).

Update on 2024/06/19

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